These brand guidelines are meant to help the CARESTAR Foundation maintain its brand identity in a consistent and recognizable way, across all platforms and channels. The guidelines are made to be flexible enough for designer creativity while also keeping the CARESTAR brand cohesive and easily identifiable. The overall look and feel of the brand is philanthropic, community-centric, and inclusive.
This is the primary logo of the CARESTAR Foundation. Whether using the logo or the name, the whole word 'CARESTAR' should always be capitalized with no space between CARE and STAR.

As an organization committed to fostering change in the way emergency and prehospital care is delivered, our driving why is centered on equity. Our logo colors of blue and orange represent trust and knowledge and joy and creativity, respectively, visually leaning into our desire to act as an innovative catalyst in this work. The two lines take a unique approach to the equal symbol in that they represent two paths traveling together in the journey towards change.
To ensure the legibility of the logo, it should never be used smaller than 1 1/2” wide. It must be surrounded with a minimum amount of clear space and on a clean background. This isolates the logo from competing elements such as photography, text, or background patterns that may detract attention and lessen the overall impact. Keep objects/text approximately 1/2” (aspect ratio) from the CARESTAR logo.