Community Paramedicine is an innovative way to improve health care delivery by partnering specially-trained paramedics with other health care providers to meet local needs. Community Paramedics (CPs) can function beyond the role of treating patients and transporting them to the ER. This can increase access to primary and preventive care, and decrease overuse of emergency rooms, especially in health care shortage areas.
As part of a $1.2 million grant CARESTAR received from the Aetna Foundation for a CP initiative, and in partnership with the Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) and the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), CARESTAR is providing funds to nine California pilot testing sites.
Check out this video from CHCF for a brief overview of this emerging field: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJPqHIqGxGU
About the CARESTAR Foundation
The CARESTAR Foundation was founded as a result of the sale of CALSTAR (California Shock Trauma Air Rescue) and honors CALSTAR’S legacy and lifesaving work in the field of emergency and trauma care. CARESTAR’s mission is to strengthen connections and foster partnerships in California’s injury prevention, emergency response, and trauma care landscape to improve outcomes for all Californians.